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About Us

Chanjo Hub team

The hub is led by Professor Faith Osier at Imperial College London. 

It is hosted in the Department of Life Sciences, within the Faculty of Natural Sciences. This department is recognised as a center of excellence in research, fostering innovative scientific studies and breakthroughs.


The hub is supported by a dynamic, multidisciplinary team from KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Program Africa (KWTRP), dedicated to strengthening the African vaccine regulatory environment and enhancing the African vaccine manufacturing workforce.

Imperial College London is a world-class university with a mission to benefit society through excellence in science, engineering, medicine and business.


The KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP) exemplifies excellence through its partnership between the Kenya Medical Research Institute, Oxford University, and Wellcome units in Kenya and Uganda, supported by an extensive international network of collaborating sites.

Meet the Team

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